Release Notes

5/14/2024 (Version

1. The statuses of the scan are retained on Service Monitor
2. The status of the scan is visible across all accounts
3. The 'Start Service' button is disabled after the scan is triggered.
4. Email notification is sent to the user account for the start and completion of the scan
5. Users can View/Regenerate Sitemap and Download the XML file
6. Added language for Subscription Changes on the Helpdesk page
7. Removed unwanted content from the Home Page
8. Comparison View added to Hyperlink Health Report Dashboard

3/29/2024 (Version

Subscription Form:

  1. Multiple domains were added to the subscription form (Disabled).
  2. Updated database script for Subscription form.
  3. Removed payment screen from Subscription form.
  4. Corrected asterisk typo on the Subscription form and removed mandatory asterisk from Domains.
  5. Removed default Organization Name, Organization Type, and Point of Contact details.
  6. Set the default Department Name to 'Office of Communications and Outreach.’
  7. Disabled and defaulted the following fields – Domains, Max Webpages, Type of Scan, Website compliance standard, Number of User Accounts.
  8. Disabled some options from Select Scan frequency and Integrated JIRA Ticketing options.
  9. Modified Crawl Depth choices
  10. Reversed the subscription order to the newest first for the Scan URLs page.
  11. Handled displaying of null date values in the Manage Subscription table and Subscription cancellation email.

EDR Reports:

  1. Changed the entity data reports to get data from the iAccessible data warehouse.
  2. Improved table naming conventions for clarity and usability, and updated table dropdown accordingly.
  3. Added PDF Accessibility to the table list for EDR reports.
  4. Utilized lookup table for EDR column descriptions.
  5. Implemented date range functionality for EDR reports.
  6. Ensured proper sorting of numbers in grid by including column data type.
  7. Saved Reports are now visible to users with simplified interface.
  8. Server-side delete issue – Delete documents disabled temporarily on the server.
  9. Updated new ‘Comments’ column for Crawler table.
  10. Resolved the problem of downloading data with a column filter.

Forgot Password:

  1. Updated SMTP login info - Updated SMTP Username and SMTP Client Password

Additional Updates:

  1. Removed BaselineScan.cshtml from the project and the menu.
  2. Reinstated permission checking for managed users.
  3. Added dummy mission for a crawler job.


  1. Created and Finished sitemap - passing data between grid and chart data sources.

Free Scan issue resolution (WordPress):

  1. Updated Hangfire to 1.8.11

10/23/2023 (Version

    1. Hangfire Ad-hoc Jobs: We have introduced the ability to add Hangfire Ad-hoc jobs, allowing for the creation of a separate job service for the application.
    2. Job Service Renaming: Users can now rename the job service during its installation.
    3. Consolidated Dashboard: A new Tableau Dashboard has been integrated into the application for a consolidated view of website data.
    4. Tableau Auto Authentication: We have made it easier for users to access their Tableau dashboards with the addition of auto authentication.
    5. Tableau Connection ID: The Tableau connection ID has been updated for enhanced connectivity.
    6. Telerik Upgrades: Telerik reporting and Telerik UI/Kendo have been updated for improved user interface and reporting capabilities.
    7. System.web.mvc Version Issue: We have resolved an issue with the system.web.mvc version.
    8. Ad-hoc Scans: For better clarity, we’ve made sure that the grid and chart are cleared after each scan, preventing results from appending in the grid.

    In addition to these updates, all previous enhancements to the iAccessible application have been incorporated.

03/19/2021 (Version

  • The permissions to the organization dropdown were improved and begin loading in the background the moment a user logs in

02/19/2021 (Version

  • Updates our accessibility scanning software to include the most recent releases from WAVE
  • Updated the User interface of the Overall Manager dashboard for improved user experience
  • Integrated SQL Server analysis Software into the WCAG Errors: Point-in-time Dashboard for increased performance and user experience
  • Our payment software has been switched for PayPal to HubSpot for a more flexible integration
  • User can now track their cart items while still on the iAccessible webpage without being redirected to HubSpot for improved user experience
  • User Groups are no longer automatically created and/or assigned at signup
  • Create Subscriptions are now only available to iAccessible support users

08/14/2020 (Version

  • Password security standards have been updated to better secure user accounts
  • Free scan report UI updates
  • Multiple UI updates on Accessibility Monitor dashboard
  • Free scan page now verifies email and webpage datatypes before submission

08/05/2020 (Version

  • Improved “Forgot Password” email UI
  • Tooltip displays names of columns on hover when columns are not wide enough

05/08/2020 (Version

  • Updated the free scan page ( to scan 5 URL was launched to provide an improved user experience and additional information to users exploring iAccessible’s capabilities
  • Organizations are now able to filter their different subscriptions, company, or departments on all the dashboards, allowing for a more granular evaluation
  • Created summary tables to archive data older than 90 days, allowing for improve dashboard performance and end user experience